• InfiniteGlitch
    4 months ago

    That picture, what the hell.

    “Enemy” - you mean normal civilians.

    EDIT: Since I’m getting downvoted for no reason (not that it matters on here though):

    I mean that they protest/ refuse to give aid towards normal civilians. Normal civilians are not their enemies. They had nothing to do with it, these normal people want to live. Just like everyone else.

  • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
    374 months ago

    I call bullshit and shenanigans. You’re telling me Israel’s police can’t clear a road for aid trucks to get through? This is weaponized incompetence writ large. Israel never wanted to open the crossing.

    • @PurpleGreen@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      You forgot our sons, daughters and friends were massacared and kidnapped by Hamas and even by regular civs. So be sure we would not want to feed the hand that bite us and teach their sons to hate and kill us. Hamas and other countries can care for them (but they prefer to leave their people and run away in their tunnels), we should care for ourselves and our hostages first, if you want the war to stop and for them to get their aid release the hostages first. Such a shame you try to paint it like that, yet we still aid them even though what I wrote. Be sure no other country would do the same.

      • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
        184 months ago

        You forgot our sons, daughters and friends were massacared and kidnapped by Hamas

        You forgot their sons, daughters, and friends were massacred by Israel. Even as Israel snuck unmarked suitcases of cash to the group responsible. Their lives so brutal they struggle to live to the ripe old age of 30. But yeah it must be hard for you. Those victims aren’t going to blame themselves. And you sure aren’t actually going to blame those responsible.

          • @SoleInvictus@lemmy.world
            64 months ago

            Did you know it you go back far enough, rape and murder was acceptable because there was no society? Go back even farther and we brachiated and ate carrion. What’s my point? There is no point, it’s a bad argument.

            They’re actively colonizing now. It was wrong before and it’s wrong now.

        • @PurpleGreen@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Yes, colonizer… same useless words. You are just antisemite. Israel has existed since 3000 years ago as the home/kingdom of the jewish ppl. Ofc we could live in peace if the palestinians didn’t terror us. Most of the world propaganda will always be against us. After what happend don’t expect us to be moral to those terrorists.

          • @FreudianCafe@lemmy.ml
            244 months ago

            To be called an antisemite by someone who applauds the genocide of 20k children is an honor. Rot in shit

            • @PurpleGreen@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              When did u see that I applauded that? But don’t expect us to give them flowers neither. You are just hatred in your comments while I told you what really happens here.

              Keep faking numbers taken from terror organization. Believe all their lies.

              What about our children? Our ppl? Hostages still there, the people which were killed, raped, I personally know a pregnant woman which was killed and her belly cut open. You don’t care. I care.

              If you want you can join Hamas and their cause next time to impose your fake morality, be a “liberator” by taking drugs and stealing money from the palestinians, leave them in shithole and praise the death and war by killing us. But then don’t complain when we attack back, ok?

          • @kusukasaka281
            104 months ago

            You should do DNA test, check if your ancestors came from eastern europe or not.

            • @PurpleGreen@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              I am not white. Do you think all jews came from eu 😂 (after being exiled from Israel 2000 years ago)? Jews dna is unique and dates back 2000 yrs ago when we were living in Israel.

              • @filister@lemmy.world
                104 months ago

                Ah yes, 2000 years ago gives you all the rights. Thank you for telling me. And where is the proof that only the Jews were living on this land and not a single Palestinian? And are you 100% sure that your predecessors were indeed born there and not somewhere else or that you are a pure Jew, as I have very big suspicions.

                And even if this is true does this give you the right to oppress Palestinians.

                You know the US was mostly populated by Indians and no white man was living there, can indigenous people start massacring Americans and get a pass just because their predecessors were born on this land?

                • @PurpleGreen@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  Opress? No, they even come and work here. This is we defend ourselves from terror across all those years. Yes I know practically no one is owner to a land, in the beginning of the history there was nothing and we all came from Africa. So? We can live with the palestinians in peace if they would not terror us and we could trust them. We even gave them Gaza in 2003 (hitnatkut) single sided and look what we got? Ongoing missiles and terror attacks from gaza till now.

          • @StupidBrotherInLaw@lemmy.world
            44 months ago

            It’s telling of your lack of character that you hide behind claims of antisemitism.

            You and those like you are absolutely the worst kind of people. Not Jews, but colonizing subhuman scum that hides behind lies of persecution as they systematically persecute and kill men, women, and children for their land and resources.

        • @PurpleGreen@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          north korea, syria, russia, yemen, darfur, china do u want me to continue? We are not barbaric by any means, we still give gazans humanitarian aid and check before hitting targets for civs. You just impose ur fake moral standards while we defend ourselves, talk with me when you will be at grave war. Let’s see if you will handle 240 ppl kidnapped from their homes and 3000 massacared ppl in a day better.

          • @StupidBrotherInLaw@lemmy.world
            34 months ago

            92% of the fatalities in Gaza are civilians. You do realize you’re on the Internet, right? You can verify what you’re discussing instead of just repeating the comforting propaganda you’ve chosen to believe. Just remember that propaganda doesn’t change reality. You’re a country of murderers and supporters of murder.

          • @GeneralVincent@lemmy.world
            24 months ago

            Even israel doesn’t claim 3000 israeli civilians killed on oct 7th. You’re just lying to lie.

            You say israel gives aid, on a post about israelis blocking aid. Yeah ok.

            And you’re right, you are checking for civilians. AND THAT’S WORSE because that means you KNOW you’re killing dozens of civilians but don’t care if you can kill one Hamas terrorist. Spare us the pity party while you actively defend genocide.

      • @filister@lemmy.world
        104 months ago

        By starving millions of them, displacing them, killing them and destroying their homes, bringing them to the edge.

        Good job, Israel, you definitely know how to make friends for life!

        And on another note, look at you, you are a far right supporter, you generalise all the Palestinians so please do not expect any better from them. If you think you have been through hell, think of their lives since the 7th of October. I bet your life has been much more comfortable than theirs. So if you hate them, don’t expect them to love you.

        And I really hope you** realise how hypocritical in this case you are?

        • @PurpleGreen@lemmy.world
          -84 months ago

          I am not far right supporter, actually im centrist, and 95% of the israelis will tell you what I wrote here. You just don’t live here, think you understand what really happens from a distant pov.

          • @GeneralVincent@lemmy.world
            24 months ago

            I don’t have to live in israel to know that over 30,000 Palestinian civilians (about half of them children) have been murdered, millions kicked out of their homes and displaced, and their infrastructure, homes, schools, hospitals, electric grid, Internet, and way of life has been (and is still being) bombed into nothing. I know 90% of Palestinians are living in a food shortage, with half of those in severe food and water shortage at serious risk of starvation, with almost all aid being blocked by israel. There is now not a single part of Palestine that is a safe zone for israel’s bombing, which has been going for four months of nonstop destruction surpassing the force of several nuclear bombs. I know disease is rampant, stillborn births are increasing, as they have no way to maintain hygiene or provide medical intervention with nearly everything being leveled including their hospitals.

            And I know just a couple miles away, israelis are living life as normal. Going to concerts, parties, eating and drinking. No one is worried about israel being wiped off the map, or overrun, or destroyed because, apart from Oct 7th and some homemade Hamas rockets that have been mostly intercepted, no one in israel is being impacted by the ‘war’

            Former IDF soldiers talking about how brutal they have been to Palestinians, former israeli hostages complimenting their captors on their kindness, over 70 years of well documented apartheid, being able to see everything firsthand through social media, the multiple times israeli government officials have publicly supported wiping Palestine off the map, and being caught in obvious lies, all of that is more than enough for me and dozens of countries and millions of people come to the same conclusion.

            israel is committing a genocide. It may have been hard to see at first, but as the bodies of the innocent pile up and the hostility of israel continues past any excuse of self defense, you cannot deny it unless you also want Palestine gone or have listened exclusively to israeli propaganda.